Springtime in Paris

Sorry for the infrequent blog updates. I should really get in the habit of frequent, short updates instead of once-monthly epics but alas, my approach to blogging is much like my approach to housecleaning.

Things are warming up here. Temps are finally getting above the single digits, cafes and restaurants have opened up their terraces, tour-bus sightings are more frequent, and friends are starting to seriously plan visits.

No one big thing has been keeping me from blogging, just a bunch little things, like being more diligent applying for jobs, earnestly plugging away at French homework (good little francophile-nerd that I am), making a concerted effort to socialize, and, er, watching TV. Um, yeaaah. You see, neither of us have ever even owned a TV before so it’s, you know, a novelty, plus we’re getting about 800 channels until mid-April as a special introductory-addiction offer from the cable company so….. as they say in these here parts, il faut en profiter.

HerrKaa, apparently returning to european habits I had been blissfully unaware of, is especially relishing the 200-odd channels dedicated to 24/7 football (soccer). Ok, we’re lame, but whatEVer. It’s a phase.

Let It Snow

Just got back from 4 days of snow and cheese down in Chamonix. Thanks to the rather posh tastes of our friends’ friends, we stayed in a old chalet that had been disassembled and completely rebuilt just outside the town of Chamonix, and which featured, among other things, a steam room and multiple raclette & fondue devices.

HerrKaa & I are both now getting over colds so instead of trying to write any more through the haze of nasal congestion, I’ll just post links to our pics:

Chamonix – Skiing at Brevent
Chamonix – Chalet
Chamonix – La Vallee Blanche